Thursday, March 26, 2009

Make Calls For Obama

President Obama's budget proposes bold reforms that will pave the way for quality, affordable health care for all, and a clean energy economy. Republicans in Congress have already vowed to say "no" to these plans. But some Democrats—in the House, they call themselves "Blue Dogs"—are indicating that they want to nuzzle up to the conservative obstructionists to block Obama's proposals, regardless of the mandate the voters gave Obama to move forward.

We're asking supporters across the country to call Congress and express their support for President Obama's budget. You talked to members in your community about the need for a new direction -- now we need you to personally ask fellow supporters to send that message to Washington by contacting their elected representatives.

Sign into our online tool and ask fellow supporters across the country to call their elected representatives.

We'll provide you with a script and a targeted list of people to call.

By talking to neighbors and engaging people in your community, you proved that the economic vision laid out by President Obama won't be left up to special interests and partisan voices in Washington. Now we need to make sure Congress hears that message loud and clear.

Log on now and ask fellow supporters to make their voices heard by contacting their representatives:

It's your commitment and passion that continue to carry this movement.

Thank you for all that you do.



Download The Pledge to support Obama's agenda to give to your neighbors


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